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Добавлено: 17 дек 2019, 01:46
Всем привет.
Нужна помощь, может кто сталкивался с таким Function DENOISE NOT FOUND:
:~# asterisk -rvvv
Asterisk 13.29.2, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2014, Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
Running as user 'asterisk'
Running under group 'asterisk'
Connected to Asterisk 13.29.2 currently running on s (pid = 1477)

*CLI> core show function DENOISE
No function by that name registered.
Command 'core show function DENOISE' failed.

*CLI> dialplan show globals

-- 8 variable(s)
core show functions
Installed Custom Functions:
AES_DECRYPT AES_DECRYPT(key,string) Decrypt a string encoded in base64 with AES given a 16 character key.
AES_ENCRYPT AES_ENCRYPT(key,string) Encrypt a string with AES given a 16 character key.
AGENT AGENT(AgentId[:item]) Gets information about an Agent
AMI_CLIENT AMI_CLIENT(loginname,field) Checks attributes of manager accounts
ARRAY ARRAY(var1[,var2[,...][,varN]]) Allows setting multiple variables at once.
AST_CONFIG AST_CONFIG(config_file,category,var Retrieve a variable from a configuration file.
AST_SORCERY AST_SORCERY(module_name,object_type Get a field from a sorcery object
BASE64_DECODE BASE64_DECODE(string) Decode a base64 string.
BASE64_ENCODE BASE64_ENCODE(string) Encode a string in base64.
BLACKLIST BLACKLIST() Check if the callerid is on the blacklist.
CALENDAR_BUSY CALENDAR_BUSY(calendar) Determine if the calendar is marked busy at this time.
CALENDAR_EVENT CALENDAR_EVENT(field) Get calendar event notification data from a notification call.
CALENDAR_QUERY CALENDAR_QUERY(calendar[,start[,end Query a calendar server and store the data on a channel
CALENDAR_QUERY_RESUL CALENDAR_QUERY_RESULT(id,field[,ent Retrieve data from a previously run CALENDAR_QUERY() call
CALENDAR_WRITE CALENDAR_WRITE(calendar,field[,...] Write an event to a calendar
CALLCOMPLETION CALLCOMPLETION(option) Get or set a call completion configuration parameter for a channel.
CALLERID CALLERID(datatype[,CID]) Gets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel.
CALLERPRES CALLERPRES() Gets or sets Caller*ID presentation on the channel.
CDR CDR(name[,options]) Gets or sets a CDR variable.
CDR_PROP CDR_PROP(name) Set a property on a channel's CDR.
CHANNEL CHANNEL(item) Gets/sets various pieces of information about the channel.
CHANNELS CHANNELS([regular_expression]) Gets the list of channels, optionally filtering by a regular expression.
CHECKSIPDOMAIN CHECKSIPDOMAIN(domain) Checks if domain is a local domain.
CONFBRIDGE CONFBRIDGE(type,option) Set a custom dynamic bridge, user, or menu profile on a channel for the ConfBridge application using the same options available in confbridge.conf.
CONFBRIDGE_INFO CONFBRIDGE_INFO(type,conf) Get information about a ConfBridge conference.
CONNECTEDLINE CONNECTEDLINE(datatype[,i]) Gets or sets Connected Line data on the channel.
CSV_QUOTE CSV_QUOTE(string) Quotes a given string for use in a CSV file, escaping embedded quotes as necessary
CUT CUT(varname,char-delim,range-spec) Slices and dices strings, based upon a named delimiter.
DB DB(family/key) Read from or write to the Asterisk database.
DB_DELETE DB_DELETE(family/key) Return a value from the database and delete it.
DB_EXISTS DB_EXISTS(family/key) Check to see if a key exists in the Asterisk database.
DB_KEYS DB_KEYS([prefix]) Obtain a list of keys within the Asterisk database.
DEC DEC(variable) Decrements the value of a variable, while returning the updated value to the dialplan
DEVICE_STATE DEVICE_STATE(device) Get or Set a device state.
DIALGROUP DIALGROUP(group[,op]) Manages a group of users for dialing.
DIALPLAN_EXISTS DIALPLAN_EXISTS(context[,extension[ Checks the existence of a dialplan target.
DUNDILOOKUP DUNDILOOKUP(number[,context[,option Do a DUNDi lookup of a phone number.
DUNDIQUERY DUNDIQUERY(number[,context[,options Initiate a DUNDi query.
DUNDIRESULT DUNDIRESULT(id[,resultnum]) Retrieve results from a DUNDIQUERY.
ENUMLOOKUP ENUMLOOKUP(number[,method-type[,opt General or specific querying of NAPTR records for ENUM or ENUM-like DNS pointers.
ENUMQUERY ENUMQUERY(number[,method-type[,zone Initiate an ENUM query.
ENUMRESULT ENUMRESULT(id,resultnum) Retrieve results from a ENUMQUERY.
ENV ENV(varname) Gets or sets the environment variable specified.
EVAL EVAL(variable) Evaluate stored variables
EXCEPTION EXCEPTION(field) Retrieve the details of the current dialplan exception.
EXISTS EXISTS(data) Test the existence of a value.
EXTENSION_STATE EXTENSION_STATE(extension[@context] Get an extension's state.
FAXOPT FAXOPT(item) Gets/sets various pieces of information about a fax session.
FEATURE FEATURE(option_name) Get or set a feature option on a channel.
FEATUREMAP FEATUREMAP(feature_name) Get or set a feature map to a given value on a specific channel.
FIELDNUM FIELDNUM(varname,delim,value) Return the 1-based offset of a field in a list
FIELDQTY FIELDQTY(varname,delim) Count the fields with an arbitrary delimiter
FILE FILE(filename[,offset[,length[,opti Read or write text file.
FILE_COUNT_LINE FILE_COUNT_LINE(filename[,format]) Obtains the number of lines of a text file.
FILE_FORMAT FILE_FORMAT(filename) Return the newline format of a text file.
FILTER FILTER(allowed-chars,string) Filter the string to include only the allowed characters
FRAME_TRACE FRAME_TRACE(filter list type) View internal ast_frames as they are read and written on a channel.
GLOBAL GLOBAL(varname) Gets or sets the global variable specified.
GROUP GROUP([category]) Gets or sets the channel group.
GROUP_COUNT GROUP_COUNT([groupname][@category]) Counts the number of channels in the specified group.
GROUP_LIST GROUP_LIST() Gets a list of the groups set on a channel.
GROUP_MATCH_COUNT GROUP_MATCH_COUNT(groupmatch[@categ Counts the number of channels in the groups matching the specified pattern.
HANGUPCAUSE HANGUPCAUSE(channel,type) Gets per-channel hangupcause information from the channel.
HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS() Gets the list of channels for which hangup causes are available.
HASH HASH(hashname[,hashkey]) Implementation of a dialplan associative array
HASHKEYS HASHKEYS(hashname) Retrieve the keys of the HASH() function.
HINT HINT(extension[@context][,options]) Get the devices set for a dialplan hint.
HOLD_INTERCEPT HOLD_INTERCEPT(action) Intercepts hold frames on a channel and raises an event instead of passing the frame on
IAXPEER IAXPEER(peername[,item]) Gets IAX peer information.
IAXVAR IAXVAR(varname) Sets or retrieves a remote variable.
ICONV ICONV(in-charset,out-charset,string Converts charsets of strings.
IF IF(expresion?[true][:false]) Check for an expresion.
IFMODULE IFMODULE(modulename.so) Checks if an Asterisk module is loaded in memory.
IFTIME IFTIME(timespec?[true][:false]) Temporal Conditional.
IMPORT IMPORT(channel,variable) Retrieve the value of a variable from another channel.
INC INC(variable) Increments the value of a variable, while returning the updated value to the dialplan
ISNULL ISNULL(data) Check if a value is NULL.
JITTERBUFFER JITTERBUFFER(jitterbuffer type) Add a Jitterbuffer to the Read side of the channel. This dejitters the audio stream before it reaches the Asterisk core. This is a write only function.
KEYPADHASH KEYPADHASH(string) Hash the letters in string into equivalent keypad numbers.
LEN LEN(string) Return the length of the string given.
LISTFILTER LISTFILTER(varname,delim,value) Remove an item from a list, by name.
LOCAL LOCAL(varname) Manage variables local to the gosub stack frame.
LOCAL_PEEK LOCAL_PEEK(n,varname) Retrieve variables hidden by the local gosub stack frame.
LOCK LOCK(lockname) Attempt to obtain a named mutex.
MAILBOX_EXISTS MAILBOX_EXISTS(mailbox[@context]) Tell if a mailbox is configured.
MASTER_CHANNEL MASTER_CHANNEL() Gets or sets variables on the master channel
MATH MATH(expression[,type]) Performs Mathematical Functions.
MD5 MD5(data) Computes an MD5 digest.
MESSAGE MESSAGE(argument) Create a message or read fields from a message.
MESSAGE_DATA MESSAGE_DATA(argument) Read or write custom data attached to a message.
MINIVMACCOUNT MINIVMACCOUNT(account:item) Gets MiniVoicemail account information.
MINIVMCOUNTER MINIVMCOUNTER(account:name[:operand Reads or sets counters for MiniVoicemail message.
MIXMONITOR MIXMONITOR(id,key) Retrieve data pertaining to specific instances of MixMonitor on a channel.
MUTEAUDIO MUTEAUDIO(direction) Muting audio streams in the channel
PASSTHRU PASSTHRU([string]) Pass the given argument back as a value.
PERIODIC_HOOK PERIODIC_HOOK(context,extension,int Execute a periodic dialplan hook into the audio of a call.
PITCH_SHIFT PITCH_SHIFT(channel direction) Pitch shift both tx and rx audio streams on a channel.
POP POP(varname[,delimiter]) Removes and returns the last item off of a variable containing delimited text
PP_EACH_EXTENSION PP_EACH_EXTENSION(mac,template_file Execute specified template for each extension.
PP_EACH_USER PP_EACH_USER(string,exclude_mac) Generate a string for each phoneprov user.
PRESENCE_STATE PRESENCE_STATE(provider,field[,opti Get or Set a presence state.
PUSH PUSH(varname[,delimiter]) Appends one or more values to the end of a variable containing delimited text
QUEUE_EXISTS QUEUE_EXISTS([queuename]) Check if a named queue exists on this server
QUEUE_MEMBER QUEUE_MEMBER([queuename],option[,in Provides a count of queue members based on the provided criteria, or updates a queue member's settings.
QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT(queuename) Count number of members answering a queue.
QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST(queuename) Returns a list of interfaces on a queue.
QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY(queuename,inte Gets or sets queue members penalty.
QUEUE_VARIABLES QUEUE_VARIABLES(queuename) Return Queue information in variables.
QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT([queuename]) Count number of calls currently waiting in a queue.
QUOTE QUOTE(string) Quotes a given string, escaping embedded quotes as necessary
RAND RAND([min][,max]) Choose a random number in a range.
REALTIME REALTIME(family,fieldmatch[,matchva RealTime Read/Write Functions.
REALTIME_DESTROY REALTIME_DESTROY(family,fieldmatch[ RealTime Destroy Function.
REALTIME_FIELD REALTIME_FIELD(family,fieldmatch,ma RealTime query function.
REALTIME_HASH REALTIME_HASH(family,fieldmatch,mat RealTime query function.
REALTIME_STORE REALTIME_STORE(family,field1,fieldN RealTime Store Function.
REDIRECTING REDIRECTING(datatype[,i]) Gets or sets Redirecting data on the channel.
REGEX REGEX("regular expression" string) Check string against a regular expression.
REPLACE REPLACE(varname,find-chars[,replace Replace a set of characters in a given string with another character.
SET SET(varname[=value]) SET assigns a value to a channel variable.
SHA1 SHA1(data) Computes a SHA1 digest.
SHARED SHARED(varname[,channel]) Gets or sets the shared variable specified.
SHELL SHELL(command) Executes a command using the system shell and captures its output.
SHIFT SHIFT(varname[,delimiter]) Removes and returns the first item off of a variable containing delimited text
SIPPEER SIPPEER(peername[,item]) Gets SIP peer information.
SIP_HEADER SIP_HEADER(name[,number]) Gets the specified SIP header from an incoming INVITE message.
SORT SORT(key1:val1[,key2:val2[,...]]) Sorts a list of key/vals into a list of keys, based upon the vals.
SPEECH SPEECH(argument) Gets information about speech recognition results.
SPEECH_ENGINE SPEECH_ENGINE(name) Get or change a speech engine specific attribute.
SPEECH_GRAMMAR SPEECH_GRAMMAR([nbest_number/]resul Gets the matched grammar of a result if available.
SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE() Sets the type of results that will be returned.
SPEECH_SCORE SPEECH_SCORE([nbest_number/]result_ Gets the confidence score of a result.
SPEECH_TEXT SPEECH_TEXT([nbest_number/]result_n Gets the recognized text of a result.
SPRINTF SPRINTF(format,arg1[,arg2[,...][,ar Format a variable according to a format string.
SRVQUERY SRVQUERY(service) Initiate an SRV query.
SRVRESULT SRVRESULT(id,resultnum) Retrieve results from an SRVQUERY.
STACK_PEEK STACK_PEEK(n,which[,suppress]) View info about the location which called Gosub
STAT STAT(flag,filename) Does a check on the specified file.
STRFTIME STRFTIME([epoch][,timezone[,format] Returns the current date/time in the specified format.
STRPTIME STRPTIME(datetime,timezone,format) Returns the epoch of the arbitrary date/time string structured as described by the format.
STRREPLACE STRREPLACE(varname,find-string[,rep Replace instances of a substring within a string with another string.
SYSINFO SYSINFO(parameter) Returns system information specified by parameter.
TALK_DETECT TALK_DETECT(action) Raises notifications when Asterisk detects silence or talking on a channel.
TESTTIME TESTTIME(date,time[,zone]) Sets a time to be used with the channel to test logical conditions.
TIMEOUT TIMEOUT(timeouttype) Gets or sets timeouts on the channel. Timeout values are in seconds.
TOLOWER TOLOWER(string) Convert string to all lowercase letters.
TOUPPER TOUPPER(string) Convert string to all uppercase letters.
TRYLOCK TRYLOCK(lockname) Attempt to obtain a named mutex.
TXTCIDNAME TXTCIDNAME(number[,zone-suffix]) TXTCIDNAME looks up a caller name via DNS.
UNLOCK UNLOCK(lockname) Unlocks a named mutex.
UNSHIFT UNSHIFT(varname[,delimiter]) Inserts one or more values to the beginning of a variable containing delimited text
URIDECODE URIDECODE(data) Decodes a URI-encoded string according to RFC 2396.
URIENCODE URIENCODE(data) Encodes a string to URI-safe encoding according to RFC 2396.
VALID_EXTEN VALID_EXTEN([context],extension[,pr Determine whether an extension exists or not.
VERSION VERSION([info]) Return the Version info for this Asterisk.
VMCOUNT VMCOUNT(vmbox[,folder]) Count the voicemails in a specified mailbox.
VM_INFO VM_INFO(mailbox[@context],attribute Returns the selected attribute from a mailbox.
VOLUME VOLUME(direction[,options]) Set the TX or RX volume of a channel.
158 custom functions installed.
Астериск собирался по этой инструкции
https://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/inst ... 04-source/

apt install build-essential wget libssl-dev libncurses5-dev libnewt-dev libxml2-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r) libsqlite3-dev uuid-dev git subversion speex libspeex-dev libjansson-dev

cd /usr/src
wget downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk-13-current.tar.gz
tar zxvf asterisk-13-current.tar.gz
cd asterisk-13*
git clone git://github.com/asterisk/pjproject pjproject
cd pjproject

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --disable-sound --disable-resample --disable-video --disable-opencore-amr CFLAGS='-O2 -DNDEBUG'

make dep
make && make install
ldconfig -p |grep pj

cd ..
contrib/scripts/install_prereq install
./configure && make menuselect && make && make install
make samples
make config

Что делать помогите.
Как установить эту функцию.


Добавлено: 17 дек 2019, 03:02
нашел причину.